
Letters Come Alive!

Letters Come Alive!

Rolypoly Family is thrilled to be bringing Letters Come Alive! to the children at The Artground.


In this whimsical and acrobatic dance theatre performance, the letters of the alphabet take on different shapes and sounds to inspire silliness that kids and grown-ups will enjoy. The performers begin the show with the beloved and familiar alphabet song, before animating the letters and well, things get a little topsy-turvy from there.

Are children expected to know the alphabet to enjoy the show? Not at all. Do children need to learn all the letters by the end of the show? That’s not our goal! Will the children spend the rest of the week making shapes and sounds with their bodies and spotting letters everywhere? They just might!

Come join us to see what happens when letters come alive!

Letters Come Alive! was first staged at The Artground, and was subsequently performed at The Esplanade’s Octoburst! festival and the National Arts Council’s Got To Move initiative.

About the Artists

Rolypoly Family is a team of dance artists who value body positivity and respect, gender equality and social inclusion. Led by artists Faye Lim and Bernice Lee, they run dance and body-based programmes and projects for diverse children and families, in partnership with organisations across Singapore. Their performance of Baby Baby Mama Bear (2017) explored nuances of womanhood and motherhood, and was presented at Maya Dance Theatre’s In Bloom Festival and Fang Mae Khong International Dance Festival. The Artground has been an invaluable space for the development of their programmes, such as Rolypoly Family Dance Party, Dance Playground and Dance Jambo.

Buy tickets here


Image Credit: The Artground




Price: 15 新币
Bundle of 4 tickets: 52 新币


+65 6925 0621



90 Goodman Road Block J #01-40, Singapore 439053


By Bus

  • Bus Numbers – 12, 14, 30, 30E, 158, 196 & 401
  • Alight at Bus Stop (91099) along Mountbatten Road.


  • Alight at Circle Line’s Mountbatten MRT Station and take Exit B.