This is an all-new 2-part workshop format, for pregnant mothers who want to be prepared for birthing and breastfeeding. Partners are welcome to attend too.
- Birthing
This class is conducted by a certified doula and birth coach. It will give you an overview of the labour process, natural and gentle birthing, and natural pain relief methods. There will also be some tips on how to draft a birth plan.
- Breastfeeding
This is conducted by trained breastfeeding counsellors. Aim of this talk will be to prepare you for breastfeeding. Topics include getting breastfeeding off to a good start, maintaining a good milk supply, and how to know if breastfeeding is going well.
There will also be a sharing by a breastfeeding mother, on her breastfeeding journey and experiences.
This workshop runs on the 3rd Saturday every other month, unless otherwise noted.
Credit: Image of Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group Singapore (BMSG)
Fee: 80 新币
+65 6339 3558
96 Waterloo Street #02-04 SCWO Centre, Singapore 187967