
Breastfeeding & Returning to Work / Babywearing

Breastfeeding & Returning to Work / Babywearing

This is an all-new 2-part workshop format for breastfeeding mothers who will be returning to work after their maternity leave.


Partners and babies are welcome to attend too!

  • Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work

Conducted by a trained breastfeeding counsellor, the goal of back to work class is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to continue breastfeeding after returning to work.

Topics covered aim to help you manage the challenges of continuing to breastfeed while working outside the home.

Topics to Discuss - How to make a return to work plan that includes

  • pumping issues,
  • working with your childcare provider,
  • maintaining milk supply,
  • breastmilk storage,
  • common hurdles about breastfeeding and going back to work.

There will also be a sharing by an experienced mother who also transited back to full-time work while continuing to breastfeed her baby.

Attendees are encouraged to bring their pump equipment and accessories to the workshop, to share what they have bought with each other.

  • Babywearing

This section is conducted by a certified babywearing consultant. It will cover the basics of safe and ergonomic babywearing, with demonstrations of various types of carriers and styles of carrying.

Attendees are welcome to bring their baby and carrier along, to get tips on usage and troubleshooting.

Book now here!


Credit: Image of  Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group Singapore (BMSG)




Fee: 80 新币


+65 6339 3558



96 Waterloo Street #02-04 SCWO Centre, Singapore 187967