Design, build & control your own ROV and the real world applications of ROV’s
The Basic Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (Basic ROV) workshop will teach you all about designing, building & controlling your own ROV and the real world applications of ROV’s through STEM based experimental learning.
This workshop is in collaboration with MATE HK & IEEE OES CityU Student Chapter.
This workshop is catered for middle to high school students. Students will work in groups of 5 and test their group's ROV at the swimming pool.
This workshop is in collaboration with MATE HK & IEEE OES CityU Student Chapter. The primary mission of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center is to provide the marine technical workforce with appropriately educated workers and to use marine technology to create interest in and improve STEM education.
The facilitators will be coming from the IEEE OES CityU Student Chapter (Hong Kong). They have participated in many Underwater ROV competitions both regionally and globally.
*Only snacks will be provided. Please bring your own lunch should you want something heavier.
**They will be contacting you on how to may payment at a later date.
Venue: The IDEAS Hub, UWCSEA Dover Campus and the Swimming Pool
10 am - 11 am: Introduction to Remotely Operated Vehicles + Instructions on building Basic ROV
11 am - 12 pm: Building Basic ROV
12 pm - 1 pm: Lunch Break
1 pm - 4 pm: Finish Building Basic ROV
4 pm - 5 pm: Testing and fixing of Basic ROV at Swimming Pool
5 pm - 6 pm: Hand out participation certificate from MATE
Read more about MATE
Credit: Image of IDEAS HUB, City Underwater Robotics
Fee: 50 新币
+65 6775 5344
IDEAS Hub, Middle School Block (MID-202), United World College SEA (Dover), 1207 Dover Road, Singapore 139654