Vivo Kids Singapore

Here at VIVO Kids, we aim to inject life, vigour, and realize your child's intra and interpersonal skills through our play based multi-sports programme.

​With the main focus being development of fundamental movement skills with group activities, our programme will allow your child to pick up the basics of physical development and character building through an array of sports with innovative fun games.

Why Multi-Sports?

Research has shown that the multi-sport approach helps build a solid physical development foundation as children get a chance to learn a wide variety of movement skills, which can be transferred to many sports. Children will develop life long active lifestyle habits and all-round physical conditioning such as flexibility, core stability, strength, stamina, power and speed.


Apart from reaping the physical benefits, they will develop important skills such as problem solving, communication, team work and working independently, as well. 


Image Credit: Vivo Kids Singapore 


Sports Themed Kids Birthday Parties with VivoKids by Vivo Kinetics

星期一–星期二 16:00–18:00, 星期三 16:00–18:30, 星期四 16:00–18:00, 星期六–星期日 09:00–18:00.


+65 8806 2534



38 Jalan Benaan Kapal