VivoKids by Vivo Kinetics

Here at VIVOkids, the aim is to inject life, vigour and realize your child's intra and interpersonal skills through multi-sports programme


With the main focus being the development of fundamental movement skills with group activities, the programme will allow your child to pick up the basics of physical development and character building through an array of sports.

The VivoKids multi-sports programme consists of six sports in total. Each sport will last for 4 weeks; 3 weeks of skills acquisition and 1 week of skills revision and games. The toddler class (18-36 months) will start with 3 sports (Soccer, Rugby, Basketball) and the remaining 3 sports (Floorball, Tennis, T-ball) will be introduced to them progressively once they are at the age of 3.

Children will be able to learn a wide series of fundamental movement skills through developmentally appropriate fun games and activities. Beyond reaping the physical benefits of the programme, VivoKids will also build on 'soft skills' like teamwork, sportsmanship, concentration and listening skills. Sessions also cover basic shapes, counting and colour concepts which reinforce classroom learning. The VivoKids programme complements the children's growth both socially and emotionally, which in turn improve their physiological wellbeing.

Vivo Kids sessions are high in energy, with plenty of high-fives, in a positive learning environment. We maintain a coach to student ratio of 1:8 and a max class size of 12. This gives each child sufficient attention and enhanced learning outcomes.


Image Credit: VivoKids by Vivo Kinetics 


Sports Themed Kids Birthday Parties with VivoKids by Vivo Kinetics

星期一–星期二 16:00–18:00, 星期三 16:00–18:30, 星期四 16:00–18:00, 星期六–星期日 09:00–18:00.


+65 9060 6227

