Tickle Your Senses is bringing you the best of song, storytime and hands on playdough fun with the sensory play specialists!
Mission is to ignite a love for stories, words and reading through hands on fun in learning!
"The Alphabet Tree" by Leo Lionni is a fun story about how the little letters from the alphabet tree band together to form words—and then sentences, so that they will not be blown away by the strong winds! Together, they create a message that is even stronger than the wind! Come join in this whirlwind of letters and powerful words!
- Warm-Up Sensory Play Table for an alphabet exploration
- Music and Movement
- Interactive Storytime as they read "The Alphabet Tree" by Leo Lionni
- Playdough invitation-to-create based on "The Alphabet Tree" -- create some alphabet leaves, a word bug, or even words!
This can be a Parent-accompanied session. If your child is independent enough to be dropped off, it's ok too!
Credit: image of Tickle Your Senses
Price: 35 新币
112 E Coast Rd Katong 12 #01-24-25, Singapore