Inspire an interest in making items required at home!
In this 3.5-hr workshop, parents and children learn the steps of making and learn the use of tools for different stages, with a focus on the craft experience - simple sawing and sanding, assembling parts and personalizing designs.
Not only does this promote parent-child bonding, it can also inspire interest in making items required at home!
With this hands-on applicative learning of structure and sequence, participants can also be encouraged by the spirit of craftsmanship - building confidence in one's own ability to create.
A minimum of 6 pairs are required to start each workshop. They will inform you in advance one week in advance should they need to reschedule your slot.
For additional child/pair, you get 10% off the total cost.
Register here
Credit: images of Touchwood GUI
Price per parent-child pair: 120 新币
+65 9232 0340
91 Lorong Chencharu, Singapore 769201