Twinklekidz Academy Pte Ltd

Twinklekidz Academy Pte Ltd

Twinklekidz is a fun place filled with Creativity and Dedicated teachers to make learning Fun and Easy.


Their team of dedicated teachers is skilled and knowledgeable about young children and how they learn. They are mindful of the need to observe developmentally appropriate practices and embrace the vision of a curriculum that balances fun with engaging learning for the children.

Twinklekidz Bilingual Curriculum uses good quality children’s literature as the starting point for all learning. They believe that in giving the children an authentic context and rich ‘book’ language, the curriculum will enable children to learn and use language in all the different domains of learning in a more realistic and authentic environment.

Using wide genres of children’s literature (English and Chinese), each unit of work would encompass integration of all four language and literacy skills with the other five learning domains as stated in the “Nurturing Early Learners – A Curriculum Framework for Kindergartens in Singapore”.

Specific reading approaches like the read-aloud approach, the shared book approach and guided reading would be used by teachers appropriately to support children’s learning and acquisition of skills. Each unit of work would include an integrated concept web built from the book selected for the unit of work. Within each unit of work, both fiction and non-fiction print materials would be included to expose children to different writing genres.

Relevant and developmentally appropriate activities and strategies would be included to support children’s acquisition of the knowledge, skills and dispositions accordingly. The unique feature in the Twinklekidz Bilingual Curriculum is the built in of the Theatre & Performing Arts (provided by the Arts Education Team from The Learning Connections P/L) as a form of consolidation and reinforcement of children’s learning on a weekly basis.

While the teachers seek to teach and develop the relevant knowledge, skills and dispositions in the children’s learning on a daily basis, the evidence of children’s learning will be seen in the application of their learning in the different scenarios presented to the children through the Theatre & Performing Arts programme at the end of the week. Teachers are expected to document and observe children’s learning at this time and to make the necessary changes to the instructional programme if needed.

In summary, through authentic children’s literature, Twinklekidz aims to provide:

  • rich and integrated learning experiences with a balance between child-directed and teacher-facilitated approach
  • opportunities for holistic curriculum and assessment that aim to equip children with the essential knowledge, skills and dispositions
  • opportunities for children to express and demonstrate learning in creative ways through the theatre & performing arts experiences
  • a preschool environment that is both safe and dynamic for children’s early years development

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Image Credit: Twinklekidz Academy Pte Ltd


+65 65382318



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