Please note that this is an overdue event

Tech Savvy Holiday Camp (Game Design with Python)

Tech Savvy Holiday Camp (Game Design with Python)

Game Design with Python (Ages 12-16)

Students will learn the basics of programming using Python – creating loops, conditional structures, and variables – as well as incorporating graphics, animation, and sound into their very own game inspired by classics such as Hangman, Tetris, Snake, and Katamari Damacy!

The price includes a yummy lunch, healthy morning and afternoon snacks and an awesome Camp Asia T-shirt.

Fpr more detailed information, please check the camp's page.




Price Per Week (5 days): 625 SGD

Telephone number

+ 65 6593 3691



1 Woodleigh Lane (Off Upper Seragoon Road) Singapore 357684

How to get there?

MRT:1 Woodleigh Lane (5 Min Walk)
Buses: #13, #107, #155, #853, #135