Please note that this is an overdue event

Fibre Retreat for Children - Crochet

Fibre Retreat for Children - Crochet

Learn the stitches, tools and techniques you need to get started with crochet - from selecting the right yarn and deciphering tricky yarn labels to properly holding your hook and working the yarn.


You’ll learn how to work the basic chain stitch, single, double crochet and the slip stitch. Learn how to work in rows and become comfortable reading patterns. Finally, combine your new skills to create a simple item. Your first project would be a coaster, washcloth or tissue pack holder.

Your next project is an amigurumi where you will learn how to crochet in a circle. There are several patterns to choose from, Make your favourite!

Register here


Image Credit: Craft Atelier




Price: 100 SGD

Telephone number

+65 8669 5794



451 Joo Chiat Road #01-02 MOX Co-Making, Singapore 427664