Early Learning's Fun Preschool inspires children to be confident lifelong learners in the 21st century through a joyous and purposeful learning process.
Early Learning's Fun Preschool experienced educators understand that the formative years are crucial and are committed towards nurturing children's development, and to deliver an exceptional learning experience for every child.
They view their school as a homely unit, a place where like-minded educators come together to be a part of your family, a part of the community to develop young children to become pillars of the future.
ELF Preschool is registered with Early Childhood Development Agency and is an approved institute for Singaporean preschoolers receiving childcare subsidies.
ELF Preschool provides a curriculum model based on a constructivist approach, enabling children to learn through lessons conducted both indoor and outdoor, involving play, movement, hands-on experiments and collaboration.The school is committed to implement the latest advancement in early childhood research, methodology and pedagogy.
Their learning approach allows preschoolers to acquire knowledge, skills and dispositions through these learning areas:
- Aesthetics and Creative Expression
- Discovery of the World
- Language and Literacy
- Motor Skills Development
- Numeracy and Social
- Emotional Development
The world of children will be vastly different from what they are used to. Global trends are increasingly valuing qualities such as innovation, collaboration, self-learning, self awareness and critical thinking. To inspire each child to reach their potential in the 21st century and become confident lifelong learners, it is important that they lay the foundation of these skills early on in their lives.Research has shown that early-years exposure is effective for nurturing bilingualism. Strengthening their efforts to encourage bilingualism in the early years, especially in listening and speaking capabilities, would provide children with a headstart in language acquisition and lay a stronger foundation for bilingual learning.
At ELF Preschool, children are exposed to both english and chinese in their early years. To improve bilingualism, their Chinese curriculum is uniquely designed by their educators to follow the same theme delivered for the English lessons. This will improve the concept of bilingual learning as children will have reinforced learning through 2 different languages, and is a move away from having both english and chinese teachers having their own different themes across the year.
Image Credit: Early Learning's Fun Preschool
+65 6466 4045
Singapore64 Eng Kong Rd, Singapore