Please note that this is an overdue event

Ayam Trails

In this programme, your child will take on the lens of the humble jungle fowl (ayam), who call our natural spaces, home.


They will be taken on a journey to see things the way the chicken sees. What do chickens see when they look at a tree? A place to roost, away from slithering snakes. A place to find food, at the base of the tree. How do chickens walk, why do they walk in such a way?

Through the programme, participants would become more intentional with their interactions in these natural spaces. Paving the way for environmental connections.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learning how to be in a space.
  • Slowing down thoughts, actions and becoming more mindful of the things around them.
  • Creating connections with the environment, and their peers.

Programme notes:

  • Lunch will not be provided.
  • Under unforeseen circumstances, such as heavy rain, strong winds or thunderstorms, slight changes may be made to the programme.
  • This would be under the sole discretion of the facilitators on site.

Register here



The Core Values

  • The Child and The Environment 

We value the role of the natural environment in playing a principal role in creating the foundation of a healthy and productive childhood. We honour, protect and nurture the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual being of the developing child.

  • Imagination and Creativity 

We believe that imagination and creativity are fundamental. Journaling the process of nature, listening to the sounds of mother earth and moving along with the flow of the wind are all integral to our curriculum.

  • Community and Social Responsibility 

We value an atmosphere of social renewal and stewardship in which individuals flourish and can contribute to the greater good of all.

  • Independence

We value the freedom to educate according to the needs of each child, so they may become free, independent thinkers.


Image Credit: Environmental Learning Initiative




Ayam Trails: 40 SGD



Labrador Villa Road, Labrador Park Car Park B, Singapore