First Code Academy @ Dempsey Hill

Done is Better Than Perfect


First Code Academy (FCA) is a leading education institute that teaches kids coding courses and develops curriculum for K-12 students to learn not just coding skills, but computational thinking and entrepreneurship mindset. 
First Code Academy was founded with the mission to provide students with digital literacy and computational thinking skills and empowering them to become creators with technology. Using proprietary curriculum adapted from Silicon Valley high schools, the after-school learning programs are incorporated in learning environments designed to stimulate inquiry based learning, logical thinking and creative problem solving.

The goal is to empower children and teenagers to become creative leaders in the digital era, for their future career and for driving social change.


Image Credit: First Code Academy 


+65 6820 2633



Little Mandarins, Blk 71 Loewen Rd #01-03, Singapore 248847

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