Friedrich Frobel Preschool, a place where children shape their future through play and growth!
Their Frobel preschool philosophy adheres to Friedrich Froebel, the father of ‘kindergarten’ or children’s garden. They nurture children with the best practices and ideas that has developed since 1840.
At Forbel, children focus on social and emotional development, where the child will learn basic Frobel principles including grace and courtesy, independence, and responsibility to the self and the environment.
Frobel Preschool Singapore believes in training the child's MIND, HEART and BODY! Their holistic bilingual curriculum is developed where children will gain knowledge of a wide range of topics and an in-depth exposure to each of the themes, gradually increasing the level of complexity.
Frobel Gifts – Enhancing Children’s IQ - Frobel gifts is an excellent medium used to enhance children’s awareness of geometry in the areas of share size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. The CPA approach helps children learn new ideas and build on their existing knowledge by introducing abstract concepts in a more familiar and tangible way. The approach is so established in Singapore math teaching, that the Ministry of Education will not approve any teaching materials which do not use the CPA approach.
Increasing Awareness on Social and Global Issues - Frobel preschool Singapore adopts the Thematic Approach to educate children on environmental and cultural awareness. As a 21st century child, the child needs to be exposed to a variety of general and environmental knowledge to cultivate sensitivity towards diversity. Global awareness is not just a knowledge of geography, speaking another language and having travelled the world. Skills such as patience and the ability to wait and watch before rushing to conclusions or decisions have clear links to global success, and are among top skills identified by many researchers as being crucial to a global mindset.
Integrating Montessori Practical Life Skills & Physical Activities - Montessori Practical Life activities are the activities of everyday life that is integrated into their Frobel curriculum to help the child gain control in the coordination of his movement, and gain independence. The purpose and aim of integrating Montessori Practical Life Skill is because Practical Life Exercises aid the growth and development of the child’s intellect and concentration to help the child develop an orderly way of thinking. The child observes these activities in the environment and gains knowledge through the real experience of how to accomplish life skills in a purposeful way. Hence, Practical Life Skills is essential in developing children’s fine motor skills when preparing children, a strong foundation for writing and mathematical concepts.
Credit: image of Friedrich Frobel Preschool
+65 6509 0386
Singapore231 mountbatten Road #03-01, Singapore 397999