Hampton Pre-School

Hampton Pre-School

Hampton Pre-School is a pre-school with a difference.


It is a pre-school where children are valued and respected as individuals, where learning is an engaging and joyful experience.

Hampton Pre-School’s image of a child is that of an active, curious learner and effective communicator. Young children require a positive learning environment where they are respected and supported in their development. They learn best through hands-on learning experiences that are of relevance to them. Learning experiences should be carefully planned and in alignment with the children’s interests and development. Children therefore build on their prior knowledge and develop an ownership of their learning thus developing into confident life-long learners.

The curriculum followed at Hampton is developed by EtonHouse and caters to all the developmental domains of children. The following areas of learning and development are covered for children aged 18 months to six years:

  • Personal and Social Development
  • Communication, Language and Literacy
  • Numeracy, Problem Solving and Reasoning
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World
  • Physical Development
  • Creative Development

At Hampton Pre-School, they provide enriching early learning experiences for young children through both planned and spontaneous play. The curriculum is based on a thematic approach, allowing opportunities for children to learn through discussion and reflective thinking about the themes being explored. The children are actively engaged in the learning process that is both relevant and child-responsive. Language development covers English and Mandarin. They provide a positive learning environment where children are encouraged to express themselves confidently in both languages. The second language programme is designed to empower children to understand, speak and write in Mandarin.

Hampton’s qualified and experienced teachers are trained and supported by EtonHouse to equip them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be able to deliver international best practice in the classrooms.


Image Credit: Hampton Pre-School


+65 6258 6209



178 Bishan Street 13, Singapore

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