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Best Photoshop Courses for Kids - Inspigenius

Best Photoshop Courses for Kids - Inspigenius

Photoshop course for kids designed for Ages 6-18 drawing has always been a way of expressing themselves developing creative thinking and imagination.


Graphic design is about special software like photoshop the aesthetic feeling of harmony and layouts of subjects and also a broad experience that requires effective conscious work. The main goal of the Photoshop course for kids in InspiGenius Tutor is to teach children the computer rendering of images in an easy and understandable way. Photoshop courses for kids Photoshop program is probably the most popular tool for editing images. It’s not only interesting and fascinating but also best and convenient.

In this course you will learn how to use and manipulate photographs as a starting point. Basic editing retouching and color-correcting of digital imagery. The goal is to kick start your creative engine and help to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to make beautiful and interesting images.

Visit us Today


Image Credit: Inspigenius Education Center




General Admission: 720 SGD

Telephone number

+65 8488 4422



International Plaza 26-08A Anson Rd, Singapore