Please note that this is an overdue event

Expert Talk:Raising Bilingual Children: Common challenges and strategies for success

Expert Talk:Raising Bilingual Children: Common challenges and strategies for success

Raising bilingual children opens children to tremendous opportunities


 At the same time, families often experience challenges in raising their children bilingually. Some common questions are what works and what doesn't work to raise bilingual children, how can parents motivate children to speak a second language, and how much of a second language do children need to become proficient? Do parents need to be fluent in a second language for a child to acquire the language? What does science say about these questions?

This talk will focus on how bilingualism can be expected to impact a child’s development, as well as some of the common challenges that parents face and on research-based strategies to support bilingualism in young children.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Leher Singh finished her PhD at Brown University and currently holds the position of Associate Professor and Director of Research at the National University of Singapore’s Psychology Department. Her research examines the role of variability on early spoken word recognition and word learning in infants, as well as infant predictors of childhood language abilities.

Please scan QR code to register. Walk-in is allowed. 

Time: Nov 16th (SAT) 2.30pm - 3.30pm

Location: Harbourfront@Library, Programe Zone


Image Credit: JIWAWA Kids Club


For parents





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