Please note that this is an overdue event

Coding Camp: Junior Coders (Bukit Timah)

Coding Camp: Junior Coders (Bukit Timah)

When Digital Meets Physical


Can you learn coding without a computer? This exploratory camp introduces kids to basic programming concepts, builds spatial and problem-solving skills, and instills creativity and resilience. Discover the connection between the digital and physical worlds by making friends with a tiny robot and building projects on a friendly drag-and-drop programming interface!

Course Outline:

Day 1

  • Instructing a robot through physical mediums
  • Algorithms and sequence through physical and paper activities

Day 2

  • Coding a robot to through a drag-and-drop computer interface
  • Precision, accuracy and loops through physical and on-screen activities

Day 3

  • Coding a robot to respond to physical environment (conditionals & event-driven programming)
  • Problem solving through various map challenges

Day 4

  • What makes a computer through examining a credit-card sized computer
  • Building their first interactive game on a drag-and-drop computer interface (visual programming)

Day 5

  • Designing and coding their first interactive computer animation with external input
  • Software design and logic through paper and on-screen activities

Each day is filled  with a variety of physical, paper and on-screen activities and games that enhance learning skills!


Courses are limited to 6 students per teacher.
Min. 3 students to start.




Price for 5 days (welcome pack and materials included): 380 SGD

Telephone number

+65 9107 0962



134 Jurong Gateway Road, Singapore 600134