Please note that this is an overdue event

Ozobot Trick or Treat

Time to make your Halloween extra spooky with STEAM.


With this printable Trick or Treat game, you’ll use colors to code your Evo or Bit and collect candy. The player who collects the most candy wins.

Just don’t forget the most important step. Before playing, dress up your Evo or Bit in a costume.

This is the part where coders need to get crafty. Here at Ozobot HQ, we used anything and everything to decorate our Evo skins, from electrical tape to feathers to acrylic paints. Recreate your own Halloween costume.

Or get inspiration from movies, TV shows, or even Mom and Dad’s favorite band


Image Credit: Maker SG 




Price: 50 SGD

Telephone number

+65 8264 6655
+65 3125 1948
+65 8784 2801



232A River Valley Road, Singapore