Miss Sy Wang Chinese Distinctions Learning Studio

Miss Sy Wang Chinese Distinctions Learning Studio

Former MOE Teacher at RI and MGS, Graduated from RGS, HCJC, NUS & NTU (NIE) with 20 years of full time teaching experience.


  • Master of Education

Chinese Language – Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education

  • Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and Chinese Studies

Double Major with Honours – National University of Singapore

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education

Secondary School Chinese Language – Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education

  • Recipient of Ministry of Education Teaching Award

Secondary School Chinese Language

  • An Experienced Chinese Language Teacher

Specialising in Secondary School Higher Chinese and Chinese Language Tuition

An experienced chinese language teacher who has taught across all levels will have a vast repertoire of knowledge, skills and resources to adeptly customise lesson instructions and materials according to the learning needs of all students. Only a proficient chinese tutor with the necessary expertise readily at hand will better understand the learning needs and challenges of the students at various learning phases.

All our lessons are conducted predominantly in Mandarin so as to create a good Chinese Language learning environment. At the same time, an effectively bilingual chinese tutor can help to provide immediate translations during Chinese tuition lessons whenever necessary. Effective learning can thus take place with fewer hurdles, with learning concepts more easily understood.

The joy of learning is clearly indispensable in one’s learning journey. To continually engage students in the long run, creative and fun teaching methods are employed during Chinese tuition lessons, making learning more interesting and engaging. It is also vital in our lessons to pique the curiosity of the students in the process of learning. As the saying goes, if you teach a student to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives!


Image Credit: Miss Sy Wang Chinese Distinctions Learning Studio


+65 8686 1338


