Please note that this is an overdue event

Print-Making Class (Spinosaurus / Stegosaurus)

Print-Making Class (Spinosaurus / Stegosaurus)

Children will first learn to draft out their choice of dinosaur, then learn to deepen the lines (of their drawing) on the foamboard using a pencil.


Lastly, they will be taught the proper way to coat paint onto their carved foamboard and print their image onto a desired surface as their final artwork. In the process of transfering an image from one surface to another, children will see the concept of positive inverting to negative.

Fees and schedule here


Credit: image of My Art Pencil




Kids Ticket : 35 SGD

Telephone number

+65 9692 9495



Hougang Green Shopping Mall 21 Hougang Street 51 #01-09 Singapore