Please note that this is an overdue event

NUS Arts Festival 2021: Past . Presence . Future .

NUS Arts Festival 2021: Past . Presence . Future .

“The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

- Albert Einstein


A single faded photograph, a family photo sparks a series of memories. Essential as a piece of memorabilia, a souvenir capturing a precious moment frozen in time, its physical form belies the fragility of Memory and how that one moment may be seen differently when Time passes. What then is truly real when Memory becomes a shapeshifter in its dance with Time and how can the past, present and future remain indistinct when one moment flows into another?

Fusing the art of dance theatre with the power of visual storytelling in photography and film, NUS Dance Ensemble and its Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer Zaini Mohammad Tahir bring us on an exploration of the fluid nature of Time and how Time can affect our perceptions of reality of who we are and the events in our lives. This first exciting venture into a hybrid of digital and live performance begins in your living space with three short dance films before its final visual climax at University Cultural Centre Hall and will feature the original compositions by Tan E-Reng from NUS Electronic Music Lab.

Please visit here for more details.

Please visit here for ticketing information 


Image Credit: NUS Centre For the Arts




Public: 28 SGD
Students and Friends of CFA : 15 SGD
Pair of tickets (Students and Friends of CFA): 25 SGD

Telephone number

+65 6516 2492



UCC Hall University Cultural Centre 50 Kent Ridge Crescent National University of Singapore, Singapore 119279

How to get there?

Please visit this link for directions