Please note that this is an overdue event

Global Children's Designathon

Global Children's Designathon

The Global Children’s Designathon is a design thinking process especially developed for children to work on global and sustainability issues


Developed by Designathon Works from Amsterdam, children develop their own ideas and build prototypes using new technologies to solve real-world problems affecting the environment and society.
In this fourth edition of Global Children’s Designathon, children will develop creative solutions for the Sustainable Development Goal #15, ‘Life on Land’.

We will be looking at issues on deforestation, climate change and how to halt biodiversity loss.

How do we protect the world we call home?
1000 children over 30 cities in 1 day. Be part of this creative changemakers movement. Inventors unite!
Cost: $30* per participant (exclude 7% GST)
Target audience: Children 9 -12 years old
Capacity: 60 participants

Start Your Registration

For more information, please e-mail Ms Fatin at


Image Credit: The Tinkering Studio​




per participant: 30 SGD (exclude 7% GST)



15 Science Centre Rd, Hall E, Jurong East, Singapore 609081