Social Emotional Group Class

Importance of Social-Emotional Skills

Social development impacts many other forms of development a child experiences- from cognitive to motor to language development. Children's ability to interact healthily with the people around them can impact everything from learning new words as a toddler to being able to resist peer pressure in school, to successfully navigating the challenges of adulthood.​

Our Social Emotional Classes are specially designed to:

  • Develop language skills. The ability to interact with other children allows for more opportunities to practice and learn speech and language skills and as communication skills improve, a child is better able to relate to and react to the people around him.​
  • Build self-esteem. Friends provide us with some of our most exciting and fun experiences. When we are unable to make friends, it can be frustrating or even painful especially for young children - A healthy circle of friends reinforces a child’s comfort level with her individuality.​
  • Strengthen learning skills. Having healthy relationships with peers (from preschool on up) allows for adjustment to different school settings and challenges and a lesser likelihood of experiencing later academic difficulties.​
  • Resolve conflicts. Stronger self-esteem and better language skills lead to a better ability to resolve differences with peers.​
  • Establish a positive attitude. This leads to better relationships with others and higher levels of self-confidence.


Images Credit: Wonderfully You


Thu 13:00–15:00.




Social Emotional Group Class: 150 SGD (2hr session)



109 North Bridge Rd #07-21 Funan Mall, Singapore 179097