NEW OCT-NOV 2022 Programme
Support your child's development as they build confidence and fluency in discussing and presenting ideas in English through the use of creative Lego Six Bricks activities, creative play, story-telling, writing and group discussions.
At Cascade Train Teach Learn we want to not only support English language acquisition and its mastery, but also coach our learners toward skills that would take them through their school and professional lives - analytical thinking, speaking, learn empathy and collaboration, stress and well-being management.
How do we accomplish these? Through specially crafted year-long programmes, by our Founder and The Learning Coach, that include a blend of proven methodologies.
Join us for our new after-school programme for 6-7 year-olds
- Dates: 3, 10,17, 24, 31 October, 7, 14,21 November 2022
- Time: 3.00-4.15pm
- Venue: CKK Commercial Centre, Wan Chai
- Registration: Email vannessa@cascadetrainteachlearn.com
The Image Credit: Cascade Train Teach Learn
Fee: 5200 港元 ((includes a set of LEGO Six Bricks & learning materials))
CKK Commercial Centre, Wan Chai