
Helen O Grady's Drama October Camp - ‘Rumpelstilskin And The Miller’s Daughter’

Helen O Grady's Drama October Camp - ‘Rumpelstilskin And The Miller’s Daughter’

Join to find out who the mysterious little man is and how the little girls learn about the importance of honesty and integrity!


‘Rumpelstilskin And The Miller’s Daughter’  - In a land far far away, there was a poor miller who sold his beautiful daughter to the king claiming she can turn straw into gold ! Tempted, the king took the girl to his palace and put her to work right away. But there was one problem, the girl had no knowledge on how to turn straw into gold and was faced with a challenge she was afraid she can never conquer. But everything changed when she was visited by a mysterious little man.

Activities include: 

  • Ab-libbing
  • Sspeech drills
  • Music & Movement
  • Snippets
  • Prop/Costume Making
  • Special performance on the last day for parents.​


  • Parents are invited to come in 15 minutes before the end of the last session to watch the children’s presentation.
  • There will be a 15minutes snack break in each session. Children need to bring their own snack and a water bottle.

Register here!


Credit: Image of YWCA - Centre of Learning and Life Enhcancement




APH Fee: 1320 港元
Standard Fee: 1380 港元


+(852) 2194 1468



3/F, 1 MacDonnell Road, Central, Hong Kong