Mulberry Tree 啓智

Mulberry Tree 啓智

Mulberry Tree began in 2013 as an alliance of progressive educators and parents seeking an innovative and child initiated form of pre-school education. Out of this need, a unique programme was developed based on collaboration between Montessori and Reggio Emilia inspired approaches. Today, Mulberry Tree is a dynamic, creative and welcoming community of inspiring young learners, active parents and passionate educators.

International and Multi-lingual

Uniquely, we offer instruction in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese based on our current team of language facilitators. As new facilitators with different native languages join our team, we incorporate more languages into our curriculum. Facilitators are able to move freely between languages depending on the given topic or child's needs. We welcome families from all over the world and celebrate the identity of all our children.

An Integrative Approach

We base our work with children on two educational philosophies, Montessori and Reggio Emilia. Both of which are inherently child-centred and holistic in their approach. Montessori educators celebrate individuality and respect the child's innate capacity for learning. We follow the Montessori Method in highlighting five main areas of learning; Practical life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language and Cultural. The materials in our classrooms have been carefully selected to engage interest and cultivate mastery in these subjects.

Recognizing the importance of mixed-age grouping as a tool for social development and peer-led learning, we have dedicated classrooms for babies and toddlers but also create regular opportunities for children across ages to work together. Younger children benefit from being exposed to more advanced work. Older students demonstrate leadership and care toward others. Our classrooms have a free-flow quality and children can move between activities of their choosing.

We offer an emergent, project based curriculum. Art, drama, movement, woodwork; the scope for artistic expression is endless. Our campus acts as a gallery showcasing the wonder and invention of the child's mind. Learning is often extended beyond the classroom into our garden, local village and regular field trips. The environment plays a key role in stimulating discussion and ideas for learning themes.


Collaboration and co-operation are central to our philosophy. Children develop a sense of self and the world around them based on their social interactions. We focus strongly on developing social skills, respect for others and a sense of fairness. At the heart of Mulberry Tree lies a partnership between children, teachers and parents. We are a caring, inclusive community that nurtures and inspires young minds.


Image Credit: Mulberry Tree 啓智


+(852) 6460 4177



Tai Po Tau 大埔頭,啟智學校 Hong Kong