
Retykle's Costume Swap

Retykle's Costume Swap

Retykle's Costume Swap - a little step for a greener Halloween


Clear out your outgrown Halloween costumes and bring them along to our Fall Pop Up or Studio. Give your outgrown costumes a second life and swap for a new look. 

Don’t have any Halloween costumes to swap with us? You can purchase them at HK$50 each!

K11 Musea Pop Up: Shop B231A, K11 Musea

Retykle Studio: 8B, Sing Teck Factory Building, 44 Wong Chuk Hang

For more information, please visit www.retykle.com or email hello@retykle.com


Image Credit: Retykle





8/F, 44 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Sing Teck Building, Wong Chuk Hang from now until Oct 31st