
Rumple’s Big Top Academy

Rumple’s Big Top Academy

Come and learn skills, grow your confidence and have a bucket-load of fun!


Taught by professionally trained actors and workshop facilitators, their courses include Circus Skills, Puppetry Skills, Musical Theatre, speech and communication and Drama and performance related games and techniques! And of course a showing on the last day where you can watch your little ones perform all they have learnt!

They will have an awesome selection of fun themes for children to come and explore with them this summer so each week there is something new to discover!

Based on their unique curriculum students will use physical theatre, puppetry, circus and musical theatre to create a wonderful showing to finish each week!

Register here

Schedule and Fees here


Credit: image of Rumple and Friends




+(852) 9830 8287



Kin On Commercial Building 49-51 Jervois St