There are so many benefits of reading books with your child each day. Even young kids can sustain attention for extended periods of time to stories told aloud – without pictures, screens or sound effects. We will share the benefits of storytelling and a complete beginner guide for parents.
Choosing a school is challenging; what better way to get to know a school than to experience it! Our trial class sessions are open for children applying for Pre-primary and Grade 1 in 2022/23 or the 2023/2024 school year. Parents will attend the session with their child(ren).
Each trial class session will offer three activities led by our expert faculty. Sessions include:
- Innovative Science and STEMinn
- Exciting Arts Experience
- Storytelling for both our bilingual and English streams.
Campus Tour
For families looking to tour our campus, we will offer a school tour and optional entry assessments on the same day for your convenience.
- Taster Session: 3:30 – 4:00pm
- School tour & Entry Assessment: 4:00- 5:00pm (optional)
Image Credit: Stamford American School Hong Kong
+(852) 2500 8688
25 Man Fuk Road, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong