
Tomorrow's Workforce: What Students Need to Succeed

Tomorrow's Workforce: What Students Need to Succeed

The future of work emerged as a 2016 hot-button topic at the World Economic Forum in Davos that is likely to stay for years to come.


Fuelled by globalisation and leaps in advances in technology from the mobile Internet to the Internet of Things, to robotics, increased automation, and machine learning, we are already witnessing the beginning of what will grow to become significant and widespread disruptions to the workforce and work as we know it. Faced with these challenges, how can families, schools, and colleges adequately prepare today’s students for a fast-changing workplace of tomorrow?

As parents, you must ask yourself if and how your targeted secondary school program is setting your student up to acquire the real and demonstrable skills that are necessary for them to succeed in a rapidly changing workplace of the future.

Join The Harbour School on May 21 for an evening discussion to address the changing nature of work, and how THS’s four-year secondary school program has been tailored to help its students find success. THS Principal, Dr. Elizabeth Micci joins a panel discussion with FutureHack Founder, Joseph Jeong, and Divya Samtani, Co-Founder of Savvy Sapiens to discuss the skills needed by students to find and succeed at their vocation.

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Image Credit: The Harbour School Hong Kong




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138 Lee Chi Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong