
Basketball Christmas Camp (5-6 years)

Basketball Christmas Camp (5-6 years)

Asia Pacific Basketball provides an in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of basketball for beginners to intermediate players.


Topics include ball handling skills, moves to beat players, shooting, passing, positions and team games. Our program is developed by ex-professional players and is designed to build well rounded players in all aspects of the game.

Players all learn with one ball each, and we use appropriate sized basketballs, hoops and lots of fun, colourful equipment—e.g. cones, bean bags, mats etc. The drills are designed to progress players as part of a planned programme, while they have fun and exercise. Our Kinder Bounce curriculum contains hundreds of age-appropriate basketball-based games and activities.

Our programme teaches the following skills:

  • Basketball-specific skills (dribbling, stationary catching and throwing, moving, catching and throwing, shooting L&R hand, free throws, changing direction, games in pairs & threes etc.)
  • Motor skills (stretching, variations in movement, awareness, hand & foot control, rhythm & stepping, shuffling, balancing & stabilising, bouncing & rolling ball, stooping & bending etc.)
  • Social skills (interaction with coach, following instructions, learning to take turns, sharing, teamwork, learning to win and lose, sportsmanship, English language use etc.)


Register here


Image Credit: The Hong Kong YWCA Centre of Learning & Life Enhancement (CLLE)




APH Fee: 400 港元
Standard Fee: 440 港元


+(852) 3476 1340



3/F, 1 MacDonnell Road, Central, Hong Kong