The International Montessori School

The International Montessori School

IMS offers an individualised and enquiry-based educational programme using the highly successful, proven Montessori Curriculum, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and implemented in over 22,000 schools worldwide today. 


IMS aims to expand upon its position as the leading English/Chinese dual language Montessori school in the world, and to make this Primary curriculum available to all international families in Hong Kong who seek it for their children. IMS fosters an inclusive environment, where they appreciate the individual potential in every child and nurture their innate love of learning, thereby enabling them to discover their own personal excellence and fully develop their own individual gifts and talents through positive, challenging expectations, self-reflection, and purposeful engagement in the world. IMS values a diverse community and integrates parents into all aspects of school life, working in partnership to prepare children for success in life.

Their Vision is to build a diverse international school community in Hong Kong that is dedicated to the education and growth of children and their families. They believe true education offers each child the opportunity to reach his or her own full personal and academic potential, within the structure and support of a caring, respectful, and creative environment. They are dedicated to assisting children in the process of becoming the next generation of leaders who are well-educated, self-actualized individuals, committed to and capable of contributing to the betterment of the world.

IMS is dedicated to assisting children in the process of becoming the next generation of leaders who are well-educated, self-actualized individuals, committed to and capable of contributing to the betterment of the world. At IMS, they aim to cultivate children who:

  • Have a lifelong love of learning and an exploring mind
  • Are happy, self-confident, and comfortable with change
  • Are competent in the skills of knowledge needed to succeed
  • Communicate fluently in English and Chinese with joy and confidence
  • Are well prepared to embrace the challenges of a broad spectrum of secondary curricula
  • Possess a strong moral compass and see to contribute to society in a unique and individual way


Image Credit: The International Montessori School


+(852) 2772 2468



Tung Fai Gardens Block B Hong Ning House 17 Po Yan St


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