
Floral Princess

Floral Princess

The 65th anniversary of the Canto-opera classic Floral Princess. English & Chinese surtitles


The Remake of Floral Princess Professional Edition harmonizes TONG Tik-sang’s stage version and his film version. The 160-minute condensed version has a newly added scene of Emperor Sung-zing’s self-reprimand and suicide. “Palace engulfed in flames……Love obscured by surreal events”: a dialogue with the present era after experiencing turbulent times. We go beyond tradition, fusing art x technology: exquisite, minimalist production, tailor-made designs of grand mobile stage, projections, lighting, rearranged music and Harmonic Canto-opera Audio (HCA) for magnificent brand-new contemporary visuals and theatre acoustics, and a new level of beauty and chic.

Main Cast:
Lee Lung, Liang Zhao-ming, Nan Fung, Wai Chun-fai, Hong Hai*, Wang Zhiliang, Monica Bai, Chan Wing-yee, Tang Mi-ling, Susanna Cheng, Li Pui-yan, Lin Yingshi

Supporting Performers:
LIU Kwok-sum, KWOK Kai-fai, MO Hua-min, SUM Yung, LEUNG Fei-tung, WONG On-ching*, LIANG Zhenwen

The trans-generational Floral Princess and Consort Chow will be played by a different mix of actors/actresses in each performance.

Production team:
Playwright: TONG Tik-sang
Controllers: CHAN Sinn Gi Joseph, IP Ka-po
Producer: Maurice LAI
Director: Rex NG
Script Editors: Rex NG, CHEUNG Kwan-hin
Music Designer: LEE Che-yi
Setting Designer: Bill CHEUNG
Lighting Designer: Claudia CHAN
Sound Designer: Temple HO
Music Leader (Melody): MAO Yijun
Music Leader (Percussion): CHEN Yan-feng
Stage Manager: Jones LEE
Director for Media Publicity: LAM Song-yee
Art Industry Development Manager: Darry CHAN
Performers Coordination: Michael LING

*Thanks for HKAPA’s approval of participation


Image Credit: Freespace Happening




Tickets from: 180 港元 (to 600)



Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre