Please note that this is an overdue event

Run Wild

Run Wild - Saturday, 3 February 2018, Al Ain Zoo, start time: 7am.


Run options: 2.5 km, 5km, 10 km runs.
Cost: Run only AED 55.
Run with post run breakfast: AED 100.

UAE's popelar Al Ain Zoo run is back! Starting at the main entrance, runners will enter the park and loop around to the Safari area, continuing past the Flamingo pond, throught the lovely winding paths of the World Desert area and onto the African habitat. After passing Zebras, Camels and Giraffes, the route zig-zags past Lions and Chimps (who may cheering you on) and around the Big Cat before heading back to the main entrance.
Whether you prefer a 2.5km, 5km or the full 10km run, this unique interactive wildlife experience is for all ages and abilities. Come and enjoy all the sounds and beauty that Al Ain Zoo has to offer. Let's celebrate health and fitness... Let's run wild!


Credit: images of Al Ain Zoo.




Run only: 55 AED
Run with post run breakfast: 100 AED

Telephone number

+971 3 7992000



Abu Dhabi
Al Ain Zoo, Zoo District, Al Ain

How to get there?

Al Ain is just a one and a half hours drive from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Once in Al Ain City, please follow the town center sign board until you see in brown tourist signs Al Ain Zoo.