Willow Nursery

Willow Children´s Nursery is committed to providing parents with the very best start for their children.


Based on the Early Years & Foundation Stage Curriculum with the Reggio Emilia approach, Willow Nursery provides an integrated early years program. Constantly striving to develop new and innovative ideas, it works closely with a variety of UK based Early Years Establishments.

During the early year’s children are excited about life, discovery and the sheer newness of everything around them. Willow Children’s Nursery provides a warm, safe nurturing environment in which to grow and develop. Honouring children as an individual and, embracing them in a loving environment, cultivates a child who is confident and insightful. Young children learn through experiences, through imitation and by being actively involved in their own world. At Willow Children’s Nursery, a child’s natural sense of awe and wonderment about the world around them is nurtured through art, movement, story, and language.
The nurseries play based constructivist curriculum encourages children to express and build meaning through their experiences.

Willow Children's  Nursery provides unwavering stability through the well-qualified and experienced teachers who take time to know you and your child. The practitioners continually update their professional qualifications ensuring that they are always providing “Best Practice“ for the children.


Image Credit: Willow Children's Nursery


+971 4 554 5802
+971 56 442 7703



Villa 40 Marina First Building, Dubai Marina