Please note that this is an overdue event

Bullying: How Can We Help Parent Workshop

Bullying: How Can We Help Parent Workshop

Bullying: How can we help?


A Parent Workshop will introduce Hallabolou’s philosophy on bullying. Hallabolou will explain its Five Points of Discovery and how they empower children to stand up for themselves or intervene when they believe someone else maybe being bullied.

As parents it is a dreadful feeling when you find out your child is a target of bullying. Knowing your child must get up each day and go back to school, an environment that you cannot control. However, by teaching children strategies and giving them tools they can use on their own gives them the self-confidence to stand up and take away the bully’s “power”. Hallabolou will explain its Star Leadership Program where children will have the opportunity to learn these tools by playing games, role playing and interacting with others who may feel the same way.

Vanessa Boson will facilitate the Parent Workshop. Hallabolou is a brainchild of Vanessa Boson – a dedicated and motivated educator with more than 25 years of experience in multi-cultural populations with expertise in early childhood education (ECE), communication and staff development. She has inspired children, parents, and her staff with her values of teamwork, commitment, creativity, self-confidence, determination, and the ability to achieve goals. She has presented to audiences around the world on the importance of how to teach children. She is the vision and creative drive behind the company and its ever increasing curriculum.

She is an active member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and she continues to further her education by keeping abreast of new studies and research in the ECE Field. Vanessa is a certified Trainer for Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP).

Vanessa’s personal philosophy: To have fun! I don’t want to be a grown up, adults have forgotten that learning is fun! Learning is exploring, making mud pies, walking barefoot, getting dirty and best of all asking: what if…? A child’s imagination is our future!

Program is for Parents ONLY!

Contact to register on +971 2 6222285 / / Whatsapp +971 54 458 5745


Credit: image of Hallabolou


For parents



Telephone number

+971 2 6222285
+971 54 458 5745 Whatsapp



Abu Dhabi
Hallabolou, Al Marina, Abu Dhabi