Home Grown Children's Eco Nursery

Home Grown Children's Eco Nursery

At Home Grown Children's Eco Nursery we strive to promote a holistic learning atmosphere for children. We apply a natural process that promotes self-development and esteem in an environmentally-conscious habitat.

We believe in introducing an understanding of our world to young children in a way that engages and intrigues them. This encourages a sense of responsibility and teaches them to respect all living things and their surroundings.

Our space provides children with a perfect platform to experience and develop their senses in a natural setting. Children are taught to embrace the simple joys of life such as nature walks in our garden, playing in the sand area, gardening in our organic patch or sitting in our outdoor quiet corners observing their surroundings. Time spent surrounded by nature can promote a sense of balance and calmness in a child and also improves focus, concentration and most importantly health.

We endorse the idea that we are citizens of the world. Being fortunate enough to live in a city exploding with multicultural diversity, we encourage children to learn about different cultures by celebrating global days and sharing different traditions from around the globe.


Image Credit: Home Grown Children's Eco Nursery 


+971 4 330 7008



Villa 33, Al Sanbook street, Al Manara, Umm Suqeim, Dubai, United Arab Emirates