Please note that this is an overdue event

Forgiveness Healing Workshop

Forgiveness Healing Workshop

Have you recently experienced deep disappointment, hurt 
or betrayal in an important relationship?

Do you continue to suffer from a conflict or trauma that occurred long ago?

Ramadan is the time for forgiveness and letting go of what is no longer serving you.

Let this session be an opportunity to fully let go as you create space for love and manifestation as we have created a safe space where you can open up a painful story, and leave it behind you for good. You will be surrounded by like-minded women that are kind and accepting, who will listen deeply and without judgment, and encourage you to have the good life that you deserve.

This workshop will help you move forward and become your true self and experience the relief of real forgiveness. We will guide each participant through a powerful forgiveness process.

Forgiveness can heal your life. Without forgiveness, we remain locked in the past.

In this workshop we will go through:

* The importance of forgiveness

* Who are you ready to forgive

* How to forgive and let go

* Forgive another person or situation

* Forgive yourself

* Meditation on willingness to forgive


– Facilitator: Laura-Helene Kopinski

– Location: Zen The Spa, Saadiyat Rotana Resort & Villas

– Cost: AED 250 (Including VAT + Charges)

– All levels are welcome




fee: 250 AED



Abu Dhabi
Zen The Spa, Saadiyat Rotana Resort & Villas