L'atelier Des Arts

L'atelier Des Arts

L’atelier Des Arts is a three-way enterprise, Retail of Arts and Crafts Materials, Arts and Crafts School, and Handmade Boutique.


You can find all materials for your project needs from known European companies. The Mezzanine Floor is a hub for children and adult artists creating their own masterpieces, as well as for beginners to learn and discover the artist in them. As for the boutique located on front of L’atelier Des Arts, it is the result of our hard work to create all kinds of gift items tailored by the team.

Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.


Image Credit: L'Atelier Des Arts

Opening hours

Mon–Sun 09:00–22:00.


+971 56 400 2165



Abu Dhabi
Villa 677 15th Street, Mohammed Bin Khalifa