Please note that this is an overdue event

Wood Burning Workshop @ Medaf

Wood Burning Workshop @ Medaf

Come along and learn the art of wood-burning this coming Saturday with GA Magical Studio and GhadeerAlsibaie.


This workshop explores how to use an advanced temperature-controlled tool to burn on substrates such as wood, leather, and cork.

Participants will be introduced to the tools used in wood burning, transfering techniques to move art to a surface and furnishing techniques and work with different tooltips.

Date: February 26
Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Age: Teens and Adults

To register, send an email to, call 042719797, or send a WhatsApp message to 0506284291


Image Credit: Medaf



Telephone number

Telephone: 04-2719797
Whats app: +971506284291



Medaf Studio, Uptown Mirdiff, Mirdiff