Please note that this is an overdue event

Chirp Playworld

Chirp Playworld

Stories create a world that is parallel to ours, with our creative imagination a playworld materializes.


In a play world, visual art is created from the pretence and dramatization of texts from children’s literature. Through spontaneous pretend play, children and adults creatively bring literature to life and promotes emotional, cognitive and social development in children.

As children are engaged in story dramatization, play and exploring the world around them, it is an opportunity to socialize and communicate with peers of the same age, develop pre-literacy skills, problem solving skills. Through narrative play, they immerse themselves in a playworld as building blocks of the story.

Chirp playworld experiences include:

  • Children literature - Highly engaging activities foster children’s literacy skills and interests in books and reading
  • Sensorial experiences - Creativity that encourages learning, imagination, categorization and develop problem solving skills through the manipulation of different tactile materials such as building blocks, paint, clay, play dough
  • Aesthetic  and creative expression - Interpreting text from children’s literature through visual arts, dramatization, pretend play and oral narration
  • Music and movement - Motor coordination: Combination of movements using their body to create form and shape to various dramatization activities or songs picked out

The classes involve both parent and child to foster better communication, bonding and improve behavioural and physiological development. The playgroup is conducted in their Eunos branch, near to East Coast area.

Three classes for different age groups:

  • 10 to 18 months - Hatchling. Mondays and Wednesdays from 11 to 11:45am.
  • 18 to 36 months - Nestling. Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to 10am.
  • 3 to 5 years - Fledging. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5pm.

Schedule here

Register for private clesses here


Credit: image of Inspire Mum & Baby



Telephone number

+65 9234 1866



188-2 Tanjong Katong Rd Singapore 436990

How to get there?

Inspire Mum & Baby is located around 9 mins walk from Dakota MRT Station.