Please note that this is an overdue event

Natures Colors and Brushes Workshop

Natures Colors and Brushes Workshop

Learn and discover how our ancient ancestors were able to create art works with only nature as their supermarket.


Children will be immersed in fascinating techniques of how to make long lasting paint brushes out of natural materials and how to make an assortment of different paints using fruits, spices and root powders. Children will take home a set of 4 homemade paint brushes with a kit of 8 different naturally made paints. Children are free to use their paint kits after the workshop to make a piece of art. No experience required. 

Ages: 8-12 are welcome to attend. 
Wear appropriate clothing kids will get messy for this program.
Investment: 150 AED


Image Credit: Change Works AD




Fee: 150 AED

Telephone number

+971 58 583 8926



Abu Dhabi
SE6_01, C13, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates