Please note that this is an overdue event

‘Nature’s Escape’ Spring Adventure

‘Nature’s Escape’ Spring Adventure

Embark on our ‘Nature’s Escape’ Spring Adventure

We invite the children to immerse themselves in the great outdoors, discovering the natural beauty of the UAE, and venturing across the globe. As they journey through diverse landscapes and captivating environments, they’ll uncover the magic of outdoor camping and the wonders of nature. Embracing the spirit of sustainability, we will proudly showcase recycled art projects, inspired by nature’s global palette. Through hands-on experiences, practical activities and captivating opportunities for wildlife discovering nature, the children will gain a deeper understanding of scientific concepts while simultaneously exploring life skills.

Spring program will commence on March 25th until April 5th, 2024, and parents will have a choice for their child/children to attend:

  • 8:00am -2:00pm
  • 8:00am -3:00pm
  • 8:00am -4:00pm
  • 8:00am -5:00pm


Image Credit: Redwood Montessori Nursery - Al Bateen



Telephone number

+971 50 127 0192



Abu Dhabi
Abu Al Abyad Street, In front of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gate A, Villa No. 21, Albateen