If you are a parent grieving the death of a child, we welcome you to join us and other parents in a safe and supportive space online.
Prior to joining, participants must have a free grief consultation. A grief consultation is a confidential, 60-minute session with a grief specialist, one-on-one. During this session, you will gain a deeper understanding of what grief is, what to expect from it, and how to heal through it.
You do not have to go through your grief alone.
Date: Tuesday, March29th⠀
Time: 10AM-11:30AM⠀⠀
Fee: Free of charge⠀
Location: Online
Reservation: lighthousearabia.com/events
About the facilitator:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Dr. Ottilia Brown, PhD
(South Africa)
Clinical Psychologist
I primarily work with late adolescents and adults and I enjoy taking a holistic approach to treatment. For me, the therapeutic journey is a collaborative one in which both client and therapist commit to the journey. I am eclectically trained and hence will tailor the therapeutic approach to the needs of the client.
The basis of all I do in therapy is rooted in demonstrating genuineness, empathy, compassion, and upholding the highest standards of ethical practice. My goal is always that the client’s experience in therapy will pave the way for seeking psychological assistance in the future and engender trust and confidence in the profession.
Image Credit: The LightHouse Arabia
For parents
Telephone number
+971 (0)4 380 2088