AlphaGen Learning

AlphaGen Learning

AlphaGen Learning empowers Generation Alpha (the children of Millennials), a generation born entirely in the 21st century. In a world dominated by technology, this generation needs to understand how it works in order to thrive. They will grow up with strong opinions, knowing that their ideas can impact the community around them.


Our Teaching Philosophy

Student-led Classes. With 100% focus on your child’s progress, our teachers play the role of coaches and guide your child through class, asking them relevant questions to get them to think critically.

Encourage Risk-Taking. At Alphagen Learning, there is no right and wrong, only trial and error. We encourage students to make mistakes and learn from them and focus on practice and hard work.

Personalized Learning. We encourage our students to create projects based on their interests that they are passionate about, balanced with a strong focus on concepts and learning outcomes.

Celebrate Every Success. See your child glow with confidence as they stack up their accomplishments with every lesson in their journey as creators!


Image Credit: AlphaGen Learning


+65 96507344


