Course Outline
Âme Artistic Studio cordially invites you to a special talk, Introduction to Kids’ Mental Arithmetic by Kid Genius. Over the course of 2 hours, you will learn about the benefits of mental arithmetic for your child’s mental development. The talk will touch on: Program of Mental Arithmetic - We will talk about the origin and the success of our program. The dynamic and the results. Abacus - Talking about this tool and about why and how is it so influential regarding children's brain development. Age Groups - Why are we only enrolling children from four to twelve years old? Why is this period of our lives so important? Brain development - How does it work? What happens when we practice mental arithmetic? Methodology - Our approach and our curriculum. Our Approach - Individualization is a key to success in our schools. Teachers - Training and preparation for entering school. Goals - Is fast calculation the main goal of our program? Benefits - How does it help students in school and with other courses?
About Kid Genius
Kid Genius is a very successful Mental Arithmetic program where the children can enhance their intellectual potentials. The program has a unique method originating from Japan, a cradle of mental arithmetic. It was created as a result of many years of work by psychologists, pedagogues and other experts in the field of education, and it is based on the use of the ancient calculating device abacus (算盤 jap. Soroban). The program is based on the Total Brain Development Program and the VAK method (Visual Audit Kinesthetic). What is mental arithmetic? In addition to providing the ability to improve the child’s mathematical skills, the mental arithmetic program has a positive impact on the development of thinking and encourages a number of skills and abilities that a child needs in life. It improves the way the child listens, processes and understands information, conceives and creates certain ideas, recognizes details, performs certain actions, and solves problems. The program is intended for children aged 4 to 12, because it is the lifetime in which the human brain develops most dynamically and during which the largest number of neuronal connections will occur (synapses). After this period, the opportunities for development are significantly less, and it is extremely important not to let this unique opportunity in the life of the child go away. Enable your child to maximize its intellectual potential and become its better version.
Kid Genius Methodology
- We practice dual hand technique while manipulating abacus beads. Recent studies showed that simultaneous stimulation of both, left and right brain hemispheres, influences a high development in children's mental capacities and increases their intellectual capacities and ability to solve complicated problems and improves their imagination, attention and concentration skills.
- We are eradicating the fear of mathematics. Abacus is a carefully designed tool that helps the children to feel the numbers with their sense of touch rather than imaging it. It is much easier for them to understand numbers and arithmetic in general when day overcome the fear of abstract science such as mathematics.
- We are nurturing an individual approach. Kid Genius classes are relying on a stimulative and adjustable program with meticulously designed materials based on the needs of students which enables students to progress at their own pace.
- We are using an online platform. Online Platform is a website where teachers are providing their students with homework and exercises. Moreover, it is modernly designed to keep the children motivated to practice Mental Arithmetic on daily bases. We are encouraging competition. But moreover, we are teaching our students how to compete with themselves. Their main goal is to always be better than the class before, which means to beat their last result.
- We are practicing mental arithmetic from the first class. Visualization is the main aspect of Mental Arithmetic, therefore we are practicing it from the first class.
Image Credit: Alserkal Avenue
For parents
Telephone number
+971 50 263 2668
DubaiÂme Artistic Studio, Warehouse 81, Al Serkal Avenue, Dubai.