Please note that this is an overdue event

Baby Sensory @ Smart Start (Sunset Mall)

A magical learning experience filled with light shows, music, glowing bouncy balls, bubbles, bells, songs, rainbows, puppets, and tickly feathers.


Baby Sensory offers weekly classes for babies, accompanied by parents (or caregivers). The program, designed 10 years ago in UK, dovetails into the British Early Years curriculum, and introduces activities that stimulate baby’s learning and development, while enabling parents (or caregivers) to strengthen their parenting skills.

This is why Baby Sensory classes have been specifically designed for babies from birth until 13 months of age. The youngest baby starting Baby Sensory was just 6 days old!

What makes Baby Sensory truly unique is that every activity is designed with the baby’s development in mind, based on years of educational and scientific research.

Baby Sensory offers a complete approach to learning for babies, addressing all areas of development that are important in the first year of life: language and communication, motor skills, socio-emotional and sensory development.

  • the language and communication development, through activities such as action rhymes and baby signing;
  • the motor skills development, for example through activities that include tummy time, massage, patting and clapping, building or shape sorting;
  • the socio-emotional development, either through one-on-one activities between parent and baby (such as reading a book) or through group activities (such as a ball game or a parachute game, or a puppet show)
  • sensory development, through visual shows, playing with different smells, textures, and so on.

The structure of the class, all activities and equipment are constantly tested, improved and updated to reflect latest research.

Baby Sensory will surprise you and the baby each week with different learning and developmental activities!


Credit: Images of Baby Sensory




Telephone number

Baby Sensory: 055 112 6895
Toddler Sense: 055 112 6895
Mini Professors: 055 112 6895



Sunset Mall Jumeirah 3