Dubai Camp Enthusiasts, rejoice: RAELS Fills Summer with Virtual Learning Adventures

Published 15 July 2020 at 20:05

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Dubai Camp Enthusiasts, rejoice: RAELS Fills Summer with Virtual Learning Adventures

As Dubai family entertainment industry ponders an uncertain future, Red Apple E-Learning Services has come at the perfect moment with its virtual summer workshops to make a return to one of our favourite providers of great online holiday programmes.

Children have made remarkable sacrifices over the last few months. They have stayed locked down for months, missing out on playing with friends, on sports, arts and drama clubs. Having developed a broad spectrum of online courses and offering a wide variety of enrichment to keep kids busy, learning and having fun, RAELS is primed and ready to receive children starved of social contact with their peers, brain stimulation, doing exercises and learning.

Photo Credit: FamVeld

When the announcement came that RAELS was to begin their e-workshops from 5th July, there was never really a question of where to enrol the child for this summer. Firstly, we give the green light to our local branch of the renowned RED APPLE GROUP headquartered in London. Secondly, operating in 18 countries around the world, RAELS has already seen excellent results using live feeds, video and text materials designed by leading industry experts under the RAELS portfolio. With technologies changing so fast, your kids will have a pretty awesome summer doing many of the same things they would do at traditional workshops, like exploring new cultures, mastering theatrical skills, dancing, doing sports, arts & craft and improving language skills (not to mention making new friends).

Here, you will find tons of online workshops for a variety of ages between three and 11. Their adventure offerings are so good that this will please any parent and child. And, more specifically, at RAELS you can mix and match activities to tailor the experience to your little one’s interests.

From Art Expression and Drama to Introduction to the world of Theatre workshops, undertaking forensic detective investigations to adventure yoga holidays in Kenya, there is truly something for everyone.

Photo Credit: Aquarius Studio

The Forensic Science workshop is without a doubt the star of the summer holidays. Arts & crafts, experiments, treasure hunts, acting and games, forensic evidences such as fingerprinting, footwear, bitemark and trace evidence analysis – it all comes included in this workshop. You will take enormous pride in what your little detective can achieve and how much they can learn about the concepts of forensic science, the serious nature and capabilities of scientific methods and techniques in solving crime. The workshops and camps are run in an interactive way strengthening the students’ logical reasoning skills, observation power, analytical and problem solving skills, creativity and ability to grasp new concepts.

Photo Credit: Yuganov Konstantin

Understanding the circumstances, it has never been a more critical time if you’re aged four to 11 to explore the World of Theatre, Expressions and Drama. In partnership with a renowned Mumbai Theatre Company, the team of RAELS have done an excellent job specially curating a 7-session workshop on the online platform and so it is proving. Having shared resources, facilitators and teachers from all over the globe have come up with an innovative and exciting virtual programme. This workshop is an ideal match for the social interaction that the kids have been missing and that is where the focus lies. The sessions are guide by the mentor and include ice breaker theatre games, movement and voice exercises. The participants will be divided into groups so that they can create dramatic activities in their respective bubble and discuss the concept through the screen shared resources. Acting in front of the peers and expressing themselves through the medium of dramatic presentations, even at this age group, is an important aspect of the workshop and a great way to dissolve anxieties and inhibitions. As part of the course, the children take part in a review of their performance evaluation, so they gain definitive insight into the process of creating drama through these online sessions.

Photo Credit: Sunny studio

It doesn’t get much more adventure than this! Yography or Around the World with Yoga is a haven for kids in which they can enjoy virtual activities including colouring activities and origami, a camping trip to the mountains, visiting the Rainforest of South America and a journey to the mystical land of Egypt. Get ready to go for a safari in the jungles of Kenya or beaches of Australia or maybe even on an expedition to Antarctica. Soaking it all up, the young kids will have lots of fun over the 5-day camp while being introduced to Yoga and its birthplace India.

Photo Credit: Syda Productions

In the coming days, treat your kids to Space Scientist workshop, Spanish classes, interactive story-telling sessions, science experiments or even individual classes in concepts of programming. Let fun-loving Red Apple E-Learning Services inspire your kids to camping at home this year.

Dates: 5 July 2020 onward;

Ages: 3 – 11;

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By Anna Khan

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